Sunday, August 15, 2010

Kayla von der Heide: Portraits.

There are some amazingly talented people in this world. Lucky me, I happen to know quite a few of them :) Kayla completely blew me away when she started writing and performing her own music. Really. She wrote a couple of songs and then they just kept coming and coming. And every one was better than the last. I remember her telling me that she was starting to take guitar lessons...within a few weeks she was writing her own lyrics and music. That kind of talent baffles me. I am so excited that she asked me to do her first artist portraits, and I'll hopefully be able to do them all over again when she gets signed by a huge record label in the future! Kayla, don't forget about me when you're all over the Billboard Top 100! :) To all of my blog readers, if you're interested in being one of those people who can say "oh I heard her music a long time ago before she was famous" check out her music page! "If I saw you again" is probably my favorite, but ALL of her songs are amazing. Check her out :)
Here are my faves...

Work it girl....

Oh, and I forgot to mention...she is probably one of the most down-to-earth girls you will EVER meet.

1 comment:

  1. kristen! incredible photographs! and kayla, amazing little model.
