Saturday, May 22, 2010

Pleasant Surprise.

I'll be the first to admit, I've been caught up lately. Caught up in a world where I work 14 hours a day(come on guys i'm not being literal)... working on my website, finishing up school work, editing photos, responding to emails...and alot of time just procrastinating.(That's why it takes me 14 hours! haha). Fortunately I'm finally getting back on track and my to do list has shrunk immensely! In these busy times I almost completely forgot that several weeks back I entered some of my photos in our county fair. Today, I was reminded that this is the last weekend of the fair, and of course I had to get down there immediately and check it all out! Completely not expecting ANY recognition and just excited to see my photos displayed, I was floored when I discovered one of my entries received First Place, Best of Class, and Best of Division. I abruptly did a victory dance and then took out my phone and snapped the photo you see below :) I am so honored and without saying more, these 3 ribbons made my day...scratch MONTH. :)